We are proud to boast of the multitude of success stories that are IIE-Vega alumni. Not only do they enjoy jet-propelled career trajectories but embody the Vega spirit of continuously questioning norms. They continuously evolve, innovate and add value to lives through the power of brands.
IIE-Vega graduates are in high demand in the industry. As the MD of a prominent advertising agency put it recently: 'Not only do Vega students know what to do, but they know how to think about what to do.' It is for this reason that IIE-Vega graduates make the transition from college to career so seamlessly.
IIE-Vega alumni can be found all over the world adding tremendous value to the organisations they work for or have founded themselves. You will find them as the Creative Director of a top international agency in Chicago; as the Marketing Director of UBER in South Africa; as the Chief Creative Officer for East Africa's largest agency in Dar es Salaam; as award- winning designers or completing award-winning MBA dissertations.
In short, wherever you see something exciting, unprecedented, eye-popping or mind-blowing in the world of brand, business and design, it's a safe bet there's an IIE-Vega alumnus or alumna behind it.
For requests such as uncollected certificates, certificate reprints, or confirmation of syllabus, please click here.

Toni Glass

Thato Kgatlhanye

Bogosi Motshegwa

Chelsea Micklewood

Lanna Breetzke

Kgolagano Matlhaga

Nomfundo Ntokozo Mwelase

Mogammat Kabir Jardine