IIE Bachelor of Commerce (BCom) in Digital Marketing
Youth segment marketing team, Vodacom HQ
Tiffani works at Vodacom HQ in Midrand in their youth segment marketing team which targets and offers value exclusively to under 25s, known as NXT LVL. She spends her time coming up with exciting and creative ways to market their products and create new product offerings for the youth based on the analysis of data and trends. She also manages different regions within South Africa who are also working on youth propositions. One of her current projects is called Like a Girl, where young girls in high school get the opportunity to come to Vodacom for a week and learn how to code a website even though most of them have never used a computer before. Tiffani says, "Vega prepared [her] well, especially thanks to Brand Challenge." She says they complete mini brand challenges on a continuous basis at Vodacom so her Vega experience has come in handy again and again. She credits The IIE's Vega for teaching her how to be creative and innovative. "Thanks to [her] Digital Marketing degree [she] got a position in one of the largest telecommunications companies in SA". She sees that companies want to become digital and hence are looking for digital marketers. She recommends "that anyone who wants to study digital marketing go to Vega" because it taught her to be herself and be independent. She also notes that Vega consistently had quality lecturers and a comfortable and creative learning environment.