IIE Bachelor of Commerce (BCom) in Strategic Brand Management
Brand and Business Manager for Daymon Worldwide
Matt is a Brand and Business Manager for Daymon Worldwide where he works on private label brands for the Massmart account. He's responsible for the development and implementation of the private label strategies where his focus is on ensuring the performance of each brand which he measures against set objectives. He's also involved in executing packaging development, communication and promotional programmes, to create and drive awareness and sales of private brands both internally and externally. His goal is to add as much value to the global retail industry regarding the strategies he works on, while also staying committed to developing the standing of Daymon Worldwide in a South African context.
Aside from this, he feels it is important to always approach his work from a fresh perspective with a certain degree of inquisition so that he can always improve and innovate further. He says, "Vega did a good job in preparing me for the role... I learned how to work in a professional setting, as well as how to work in a diverse and dynamic team." He recommends The IIE BCom in Strategic Brand Management because "it provides a holistic look at the world of branding and marketing." He says Vega gave him "an understanding of every aspect of the process involved in building as well as maintaining a brand with both tactical operational strategy as well as long-term planning and strategic vision."