IIE BA in Strategic Brand Communication Degree

Acquire the kind of complex problem solving and strategic skills required to forge the paths that unlock the true potential of the brand.

Acquire the kind of complex problem solving and strategic skills required to forge the paths that unlock the true potential of the brand.

Qualification information

3 years

NQF Level: 7
Credits: 360
SAQA ID: 91723


The IIE BA in Strategic Brand Communication equips students with the kind of strategic thinking and inspired planning skills that are in high demand across the brand communications industry.

The programme develops crucial strategic skills required to identify, explore, analyse and solve pressing brand communication challenges through the development and implementation of innovative, original and accountable strategies.


Year 1

  • Strategic Brand Communication 1A, 1B & 1C
  • Critical Thinking and Media Studies 1
  • Principles of Innovation
  • Business Communication and Digital Media 1
  • Brand Communication Project Management A & B

Year 2

  • Strategic Brand Communication 2A & 2C
  • Strategic Brand Communication 2B: Channel Planning
  • Consumer Behaviour
  • Critical Thinking and Media Studies 2
  • Sustainable Business Practice
  • Practice of Innovation
  • Brand Activation

Year 3

  • Strategic Brand Communication 3A & 3B
  • Innovation Management
  • Brand Challenge
  • Experiential Brand Building
  • Digital Brand Building
  • Introduction to Research for the Human Sciences
  • Research Practice for the Human Sciences

Study further with IIE Pathways
The successful completion of the IIE BA in Strategic Brand Communication enables you to progress into the IIE BA Honours in Strategic Brand Communication delivered at IIE Vega, subject to meeting the admission requirements.

This qualification is aimed at students who wish to complete full-time face-to-face studies for the duration of their qualification. This means that students are expected to be available throughout the day for class in the academic year depending on how the timetable is structured. Students may also be required to write assessments or submit coursework or assignments outside of normal class time. Students who would like to pursue part time employment opportunities outside of the academic programme must prioritise their studies and avoid committing to work schedules until after they have received their timetables and academic calendar from the institution. Students must also note that timetables remain subject to change throughout the academic year.

Entry Requirements

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • A National Senior Certificate (NSC) Degree pass with 30% for English; OR
  • A National Certificate (Vocational) NC(V) Bachelor’s Degree Pass with 50% in English; OR
  • A Senior Certificate (SC) Endorsement pass with 33.3% in English
  • A Senior Certificate (Amended) SC(A) Degree pass
  • A minimum of 30% in LOLT on NSC/ SC(a) OR with a min. of 33.3% on SC; OR
  • Alternatively, a cognate Higher Certificate or cognate 240 credit Diploma OR an Advanced Certificate OR 360 credit Diploma may satisfy the minimum admission requirements to degree studies. If discipline not cognate at least 20% of credits must be academic literacy or numeracy related.
  • For international qualifications: An USAf Exemption Certificate is required and meeting the English requirements.

Senate Discretionary Admission
Mature Age Admission for applicants with SC with Endorsement, or NSC/NC(V)/SC(a) with Degree Admission

  • Candidates 23 years and older at point of registration, with an endorsed Senior Certificate or a National Senior Certificate with Bachelor’s Degree pass or National Certificate (Vocational) with Bachelor’s degree Pass or Senior Certificate (amended) with Bachelor’s Degree pass can be accepted on a senate discretionary mature age admission if they do not meet the additional admission requirements. 
  • Their academic progress will be tracked and reported at Senate. 
  • A USAf Exemption Certificate is not required.

Mature Age Exemption - SC not endorsed

  • Candidates having attained the age of 23 before or during the first year of registration with a Senior Certificate, with a minimum of 40% in at least four higher or standard grade subjects at least three of which shall have been passed simultaneously and one of which shall be a recognised higher grade subject.
  • A USAf Exemption Certificate is required.

Mature Age Exemption - NSC/NC(V)/SC(a) with Diploma Admission

  • Candidates having attained the age of 23 before or during the first year of registration with a Senior Certificate (Amended), National Senior Certificate or National Senior Certificate (Vocational) with a minimum of 40% in at least four higher or standard grade or 20-credit subjects (or equivalent), at least three of which shall have been passed simultaneously and in the case of a Senior Certificate (Amended), at least one of which shall be a recognised higher grade subject.
  • A Diploma Pass on these certificates would imply that that the candidate qualifies.
  • Senate Discretionary Admission - Mature Age NSC/NC(V)/SC(a) Hold must be selected so that the USAf Exemption Certificate may be applied for by the Office of the Registrar. 
  • The USAf Exemption Certificate application may be facilitated by the Office of the Registrar.

Mature Age Exemption - 45 years and older

  • Candidates must have attained the age of 45 before or during the first year of registration. 
  • A USAf Exemption Certificate is required.

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

  • Where candidates do not satisfy the formal admission requirements for this qualification, The IIE may consider an admission application in terms of the Credit Accumulation and Transfer, Recognition of Prior Learning and Qualification Completion Policy (IIE010).
  • If applicant does not meet minimum admission requirements and there is no alternative (such as completion of NQP modules) but they have relevant experience, the following must be requested to consider admission via RPL:
  1. Certificates for all formal (Accredited Higher Education qualifications) and/or informal qualifications/modules (SLP’s, Microcredentials etc). SAQA certificates must be provided for any international qualifications.
  2. CV to determine whether the following are related to the qualification that the applicant is applying for:
  1. Formal (Accredited Higher Education qualifications) and/or informal qualifications/modules (SLP’s, Microcredentials etc)
  2. Relevant work experience

USAf approved cognate foundation programme

  • Candidates who have completed an USAf approved cognate foundation programme from a registered and accredited provider may be admitted.
  • An USAf Exemption Certificate is required - the Office of the Registrar will facilitate, on behalf of the student, an application for degree admission to USAf, once the student has provided proof of payment to USAf.

Transfer students

  • Candidates who have successfully completed at least 120 credits on the first year of a cognate degree may be admitted. However, if a student completed less than 120 credits, the admission criteria on the NSC or equivalent apply.

OQSF qualifications

  • Candidates with an OQSF Level 5 cognate qualification may be admitted, provided the OQSF qualification has at least 120 credits at NQF Level 5. An USAf Exemption Certificate is required - the Office of the Registrar will facilitate, on behalf of the student, an application for degree admission to USAf, once the student has provided proof of payment to USAf.

One Module Outstanding

  • Candidates who have one module outstanding to complete an IIE Higher Certificate which is appropriate for admission to a degree, may register for the degree on the condition that they will register for the outstanding Higher Certificate module along with the first year of the degree.
  • If a student does not pass the module, they will be allowed to register again* for this module and any modules failed in the first year of the degree; however, they will NOT be allowed to register for the second year of the Degree, or any subsequent year, until they have passed the Higher Certificate module.

*Registration is also subject to the maximum completion times rule in IIE010.

IEB International Secondary Certificate

  • Candidates must have achieved Bachelor's Degree pass and meet the additional admission criteria (where applicable).
  • The OoR will apply to USAf for Exemption based on Senate Discretion.

Should you have any other school leaving qualification not mentioned above, please reach out to a contact navigator.

Jobs in this field:
  • Brand and Communications Planner
  • Strategic Planner
  • Account Executive
  • Event Manager
  • Public Relations Planner
  • Sponsorship Planner
  • Channel/Media Planner
  • Digital Marketing Planner
  • Research Communication Manager
  • Internal Communication Manager
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