Dr Lailah Imandin
limandin@vegaschool.comPhD Business Administration - (NWU), MCom (Management) - University of Natal (UKZN), BCom Honours (HRM)- University of Natal (UKZN), BSocSc (Psychology) - University of Natal (UKZN)
Research Interests: Employee engagement, innovative assessment practices in higher education, innovation in teaching and learning
Full Bio
Lailah is highly accomplished as both an Academic as well as a senior manager in higher education together with an intrinsic understanding of assessment governance in higher education.
Lailah obtained her Master of Commerce in Management from the University of Natal (UKZN) Durban (Howard College) and her PhD in Business Administration from the North-West University (Potchefstroom). She began her career as a lecturer at UKZN and proceeded to work for MANCOSA as a senior Academic and Academic Manager of PG programmes with a special focus on Academic Learning and Development. With more than 17 years of experience as an Academic, Lailah has supervised Master’s dissertations and is an External Examiner for Master’s and MBA dissertations at various universities and also serves as a reviewer for the annual International Business Conference(IBC). Lailah has recently joined IIE-Vega as the National Research Navigator with the aim of promoting and building a culture of scholarship and embedding the practice of research amongst Academics.